



W:No. I need to find something.

M:OK…a restaurant? A bank.._3

W:No. no. Do you have a pen?

M:Let me see…Yes. I do.

W:Great! Now.may I see your license?

M:Um…are you a policewoman?

W:Definitely not.

M:Then why do you want to see my license?

W.My friends and I are playing a game. We each have to get a list of things from strangers.A pen from one.ahat from another,a book from someone else… The winner is the one who finds the most things on the list.

M.OK,so why do you need to see my license?

W:To make sure no one is cheating, we have to write down the nanme of each stranger. We also have to take apicture together. Is that all right with you?

M:Sure,that’s fine with me.You can also keep the pen.