



One possible version

We sat down to watch a musician play the guitar while we thought about our second goal. It seemed that itwas tough to achieve. Now we didn t have much time to lose. Suddenly, a good idea flashed through my mind.i gathered my courage and walked straight toward the musician and asked him to do us a favor. To our great delight, he enthusiastically supported our money project and agreed to form a band with us. With an empty hat onthe ground in front of us, we began our performance.

Our little band of five attracted a large audience. We received a storm of applause. a gentleman in his fiftieswas the first to put some change into our hat. His act of kindness was soon followed by more donations. A littleboy, holding his moms hand, carefully dropped a coin and gave us the most beautiful smile in the world. Beoreit was dark, we were sure we had made it. The amount of money gathered totaled $92. What a sweet victory!We thanked the musician and went on with our journey. In the depth of my heart, I would keep these heartarming moments forever.