



(Tert 7)

W.Ijust bought a ticket to New York City.I’m so excited to see the city!

M:Good for you!Traveling is so much fun.I love discovering new places and new people.When are you leaving?

W,Next week.I’m taking a flight that leaves at 8:00 pm and arrives early the next morning.It was cheaper.

Hopefully,Ill be able to sleep on the plane.

M:I wish I could go with you! New York City is a magical place. You can visit some great museums there. Youwill have so much fun.

W:I hope so.Im going to visit my brother who lives there.I will stay with him for a week and then take thetrain down to Washington,DX.Then we will rent a car to go around.

M:That sounds like a great vacation.I’m looking forward to a week at the beach for my summer vacation withmy farnily.I just want to relax.